In class we went over ch. 9-"Emotional Development in Adolescent. I found that most adolescents think completely different than adults but are actually of age to start reasoning like adults. One concept that peaked my interest was the 'imaginary audience'. This concept basically means that teenagers feel that every thing they do-whether it be good, bad or otherwise- is known. They feel that they are being watched and that people can see every little thing they do. The analogy that was presented in class was that these adolescents feel like they are being watched, like actors. I can definitely remember when I was a teenager and I felt that everything I did was seen by the public. I thought people knew about secretive activities I participated in(good or bad). I also remember feeling that other people knew things about me that I did not. Needless to say, teenage years are not the easy years for anyone to go through.
Another concept that was about of chapter nine was that of 'adolescent ego-centrism and ' personal fable'. Adolescent ego-centrism means that adolescents are very focused on themselves. The personal fable concept states that adolescents feel their personal experiences and feelings are unique and unlike like anyone else's in the world. Because of this fact; they may feel that many cannot relate to them or understand them. I can recall that I demonstrated both of these concepts in my adolescents. I was very focused on how I felt and how I felt my life was going and I believe that no one could understand my various circumstances. Whenever I went through rough patches in my life, I though no one could have had it tougher than me! It was hard for me to conceive and grasp the fact that other people may have a harder existence than I did at the time.
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